Do you want your website to be found better?

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Do you want your website to be found better?

Post by 00chandonat »

2. SEO Podcast
In the SEO Podcast, specialists Rutger Steenbergen and Michiel Brand share down-to-earth, no-nonsense SEO tips. And in the more recent episodes, AI tools are of course also discussed.

Rutger Steenbergen recorded the latest episode live together with experienced content marketer Bouke Vlierhuis during Content Conference 2024. And it is about the (un)justified fear that ChatGPT will take over the jobs of copywriters. How can you write future-proof?

3. Think Tank
Do you want to become (even) better at your work? In the DenkTank podcast, various Turkey Phone Number and international 'thinkers' share their best tips about leadership, influencing and personal productivity.

For example , in this episode with Mark Tigchelaar (author of the book Focus ON/OFF ) you will receive concrete tips to work more productively. Listen to it at the end of your weekend or holiday and go back to work inspired and effective.

4. Mr. Van Dale – Answers to all your questions about language
Is language really your thing? In this podcast from Van Dale Uitgevers, various experts answer language questions. Think of:


What is the best way to learn words in a foreign language?
What is comprehensible language? And why would you want that?
Why are language rules so important?
In this episode, writer and Dutch scholar Wouter van Wingerden is our guest and he shares his tips for writing better texts.
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