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How to Purchase a Mailing List for a Fundraising Note

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 4:53 am
by Sakib Khan
What IS a bit of a nasty secret is that Compreu la base de dades de correu electrònic i creeu llista d’email ràpidament people who don't even RECEIVE your emails count as subscribers according to email marketing software companies. Confused? Compreu la base de dades de correu electrònic i creeu llista d’email ràpidament Say that someone subscribes to your mailing list. They opt in and receive a handful of emails from you. They decide that they don't want to be on your Compreu la base de dades de correu electrònic i creeu llista d’email ràpidament mailing list anymore and unsubscribe. This happens all the time, and you would assume that that person would be taken off of your mailing list.

Believe it or not, they STAY right there Compreu la base de dades de correu electrònic i creeu llista d’email ràpidament and are counted as another subscriber even though they're clearly not receiving your content. So if your total number of subscribers PLUS unsubscribers together equal enough to put you into the Compreu la base de dades de correu electrònic i creeu llista d’email ràpidament next payment tier with your email software company, you'll be paying in that next tier for people who aren't currently receiving your emails. Most webmasters don't realize Compreu la base de dades de correu electrònic i creeu llista d’email ràpidament . Imagine having a mailing list in place for 5 or even 10 years.

Think of all of the people who would Compreu la base de dades de correu electrònic i creeu llista d’email ràpidament subscribe then eventually unsubscribe in that time. If you promote your mailing list properly, you could amass unsubscriber Compreu la base de dades de correu electrònic i creeu llista d’email ràpidament numbers in the thousands, ten thousands, or even more in that time. If you consider that that combined total could push you well into the highest tier and you're paying $50 more each month because of those unsubscribers, this easily is costing you Compreu la base de dades de correu electrònic i creeu llista d’email ràpidament thousands of dollars extra over the period of a few years. This is why mailing list maintenance is important for getting and keeping a clean email list.