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The other hand are not in competition

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2023 11:20 am
by azizulseobde
We elect the government and we buy from the business community. That an oil company says dont put the ball entirely in our court because you buy our petrol I think is justified. Climate change like many environmental problems is ultimately a collective action problem in which everyone reaps the benefits of their own behavior and passes the disadvantages on to someone else. If you get into the car you have the advantage of going from A to B while you do not notice any of the disadvantages yourself. What is the role of business in relation to the individual Some colleagues will disagree with me but I see the smallest role for business. Corporations are a kind of profit-maximizing programs; you should not and cannot expect them to take the lead.

They just follow the pickets that society sets. Suppose one company is going to produce its steel much cleaner but if the other doesnt… It will be a sausage for Mercedes where the steel for cars comes from; that car manufacturer might as well be buying from a "dirty" company. Because of the competition companies will and can hardly go green on their own. Consumers on with each other. They have much more leeway to change their own behaviour. Does every consumer have a responsibility to reduce their own emissions Yes the more you emit the more responsibility you have. You have to take that responsibility within your possibilities.


Well emissions are quite related to income level which means that richer people have a greater responsibility. Almost every euro spent pollutes the environment. Featured by the editors SOCIAL SCIENCES Were going to the moon NEUROSCIENCE ChatGPT can Austria Phone Number List parrot well TECHNOLOGY Five questions about ChatGPT The worlds oil companies would have invented the carbon footprint to shift the responsibility for climate change onto consumers. How do you see that I think companies are allowed to do a lot except lobby the government against climate policy and try to influence public opinion with disinformation. Consumers point out their ecological footprint and at the same time try to stop the government from setting rules I am completely against that. Is pointing the finger at each other constructive at all The issue here is that people often know what to do but in reality act differently. Our mind then comes up withreasons why our choice is still good.