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Manager It Is Extremely Important Speak

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2023 10:52 am
by shafikul487
Digitization does not eat up professions, but changes them Creativity and human skills difficult to replace with machines Exciting new tasks instead of boring routine Openness to change is fundamental – the year robots will take over starred restaurants In , Deutsche Bank warned in a study that analog jobs would be destroyed by digitization. Other studies, including those by renowned management consultancy McKinsey and the University of Oxford, conclude that almost half of all jobs are on the verge of extinction. As early as , robots would even be working in starred restaurants. As we can see, this is not yet reality, but that can change quickly as digitization progresses.

AI is no longer science fiction The loss of jobs is no longer pure fiction. Chatbots Cambodia Phone Number List are already taking on tasks that a few years ago call center employees had to pick up the phone for. And in fast food restaurants, more and more branches are taking orders with software solutions. However, these examples also show that job losses in the course of digitization are not as dramatic as forecast a few years ago. Only a few professions will disappear completely it is rather individual activities that will disappear because they are automated. It is true that low skilled jobs in particular are considered to be particularly at risk, since many such activities can be easily automated.


But it can also affect much more demanding professions. The decisive factor is how large the proportion of standardized routine tasks is in each case. Some experts even suggest that radiologist jobs may be less secure than domestic help jobs. Because today, artificial intelligence can already evaluate CT and X ray images more reliably than a specialist. Change instead of disappearance Digitization does not eat up professions, but changes them What the authors of this thesis overlook, however, is that if the evaluation of recordings is automated, radiologists will be able to spend more time personally caring for their patients in the future. This positive development more expert tasks instead of boring routine is already very advanced in some areas.