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Business Management understanding people processes and products services

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2023 8:09 am
by safi2021
Faced with so many problems that the job market presented to Brazilians, even before the pandemic crisis of the Covid-19 virus, many chose to reinvent themselves and launched themselves headlong into the business world, taking advantage of all the resources of digital platforms, using technology in your favor . Thus, in the midst of this chaotic scenario, new entrepreneurs discovered what many entrepreneurs have known for years: managing a business is not an easy task. There are many challenges that the entrepreneur must take on, such as managing people, processes, products or services, performance indicators (KPI), among others. What is the importance of these elements in business management? Continue reading to understand more about it.

What is Business Management? According to the administrative definition, doing business management means managing actions and making assertive decisions to obtain qualified results for the sake of the company's success. Those who believe that managing the business is a role restricted to the owner are mistaken, as such a result is mediated by the union of technical knowledge Venezuela WhatsApp Number List and experience of each employee. Managing the business goes beyond a department. It is necessary to recognize the importance of each sector, from service to logistics and consider its unit. All steps are important for the final result – the positive experience with your customer. People Matter People are important resources for the success of the organization, directly responsible for the quality of everything that is done to deliver value to customers.


Maintain quality and productivity it is essential to consider the human factors of the organization. What has hindered the development or adaptation of employees? How often is feedback passed on to employees? It is the role of a manager to emerge as a leader, motivating, mediating and solving the main problems that affect the performance of his team. Another point that helps a lot and that is often ignored by managers is the mapping of everything that each employee should do and what is their role in the company. We are not talking about complex and expensive materials. A simple text document with simple, clear text and a list of activities and responsibilities will save you a lot of headaches and improve productivity. Understanding and Managing Processes Everything that exists within the company is the result of a process – however simple it may be.