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E-book Integrated Business Management Systems Benefits

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2023 7:59 am
by safi2021
When we return to the point of analysis of a SIGE, we observe the way it works, the benefits it brings to the business, I see this as essential for a business. Thinking that a SIGE is modular, it facilitates the organization even more, as this system has modules that specifically serve departments and functions / operations within a company. Let's simulate a flow of information within such a system below. I use an example of a franchise network, which sells units of its franchise to interested parties. This example would also be compared to an engineering company, a construction company, an industry, a consultancy, a service company, etc. Let's start at the point of capturing a lead and move on to the day-to-day business continuity phase.

Operation flow Capturing a lead through a FORM on the internet, on the website or on a social network; 2 - Conversion of this lead into a prospect in the commercial area, launching it into a CRM solution; 3 - Once interest is demonstrated, a formal PROPOSAL is generated for this prospect; 4 - He accepting the proposal, a CONTRACT is generated for formalization between the parties. The system UAE WhatsApp Number List now monitors expiration dates and renewal terms; 5 - Contract and Proposals go to BILLING where invoices and invoices are released; 6 - These entries are immediately made official in the module; 7 - Here begins the implementation process of the franchised unit and a TASKS and PROJECTS manager is used for such control; 8 - Training and qualification of franchisees and employees of the units are carried out through an EAD; 9 - Documents, standards, procedures tutorials manuals etc.


Made available in a GED – Electronic Document Management; 10 - Requests, requirements, and support are released and controlled in a HELPDESK system; Of course, here we do not even go into detail in the financial area, people and human resources and people, research, quality, communication, marketing, production, etc., which are common departments in a company that have to be supported by SIGE. One last point, but no less important, is the management of records and unified data. Imagine all that I mentioned above being managed by independent systems that don't talk to each other. The information will certainly be fragmented, outdated and often wrong. Within a SIGE, this information is all unified, centralized and enabling much more real and correct indicators. In addition, any changes or updates to information are immediately visible to the entire company.