E-book Hire a unified system or hire individualized systems which is better for the company

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E-book Hire a unified system or hire individualized systems which is better for the company

Post by safi2021 »

I will briefly explain about the DMM of the English “Digital Maturity Model”, but not in its depth and detail, because this is a much more extensive topic. Digital Maturity Model (DMM) TM Forum's Digital Maturity Model offers a practical approach to digital business transformation. It was created by industry researchers, communications service providers (CSPs), technology companies and global consulting firms who pooled their knowledge and experience to create a model for identifying a company's digital maturity and determining the path it takes. has to go through, either in internal processes or in investment to achieve a degree of digital control of the business. I relate this to the theme of this work, because this analysis helps us to understand the process of using systems and how their structuring can help the company to reach the desired digital maturity. Phases of Digital Maturity The digital maturity model is divided into six categories.

Text below taken from the TMForum website in free translation): Customer - providing an experience where customers see the organization as their digital partner using their preferred channels of interaction to control their online and offline connected future. Strategy - Focus on how the business transforms or operates to increase its competitive advantage through digital initiatives; is embedded Tunisia WhatsApp Number List in the overall business strategy. Technology - underpins digital strategy success by helping to create, process, store, protect and exchange data to meet customer needs with low cost and overhead. Operations - Execution and evolution of processes and tasks using digital technologies to drive strategic management and increase business efficiency and effectiveness. Culture, People and Organization - Define and develop an organizational culture with governance processes and talent to support progress along the digital maturity curve and the flexibility to achieve your growth and innovation goals.


Data assesses the organization's ability strategically and operationally to use data and information assets ethically and effectively to maximize business value. In her publication Anderson, Christine (2018) [1] , deepens the stages of digital maturity and management correlation that go far beyond what is mentioned here. already a fact that a company will not be successful or grow if it does not use business management systems to organize its flow of people, processes, products and services. This e-book was developed with the purpose of demonstrating which system a company should hire, according to its size of operation and investment. In the market there are many software, applications, systems, solutions, etc., which propose to organize and manage a company, or part of it - such as a department - or even a specific process of it. This point and other subjects will be dealt with during this course conclusion work, where I will approach the models used according to the size of companies, in direct correlation with the TMFórum Digital Maturity Model.
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