E-book Hire a unified system or hire individualized systems which is better for the company

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E-book Hire a unified system or hire individualized systems which is better for the company

Post by safi2021 »

If we analyze these 3 types of management complexity, we begin to correlate the types of management systems that these companies will use. As we explained earlier, these companies have various levels of management complexity, but without a doubt they must use management systems in all their phases and sizes. A company, however simple and micro it may be, if it uses a management system, it will be able to structure and consolidate itself more quickly and professionally, in relation to a company that does not use a management support system. Using a system, it will keep a history of customers, it will be able to measure different demands within the company, such as the most demanded and sold products and services, best and worst customers, performance and relationship with suppliers, among other factors. This consolidates and becomes even more necessary as the company grows, where one of the factors of this growth is certainly linked to its organization.

Micro Enterprises At this size of company, it can start with simpler, relatively inexpensive systems that support at least information from the financial, customer relationship and sales areas. The use of “shelf” systems will bring a very good benefit in relation to the cost. However, it loses in terms of integration, as these software are not integrated with other departments of the company and will not support Taiwan WhatsApp Number List the company's growth over the years. This will culminate in a need to migrate systems and that means an investment of time and money. This type of decision is very strategic and most entrepreneurs who are starting out do not have this vision. They often look at the cost and are based on this when choosing the management system.


If they made an account of how much they are going to invest in an integrated but modular management system – that does not force them to hire a pack of modules that will not even be used – a good amount of money could be saved, because in a migration, there is no financial loss only. Years of history, data and information on customers, suppliers, operations, sales, launches, etc. are lost. This is an immeasurable loss. One more point to be analyzed, that it is preferable for a small company to have several systems, than to have none. Even if it hires several fragmented systems across the internet, it will bring better growth capacity than companies that do not use any management system. This format of using several systems will lead the entrepreneur to see earlier that he needs a better and integrated system.
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