What builds and destroys a company's reputation

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What builds and destroys a company's reputation

Post by safi2021 »

It is nothing new that it is very difficult and time consuming to build a reputation and at the same time very easy and fast to destroy it. Depending on the activity in which you are inserted, this vulnerability is even greater. In the food industry, for example, all it takes is a rumor that something strange has been found in a certain product to completely annihilate the business. Therefore, some basic precautions must be taken to build and protect the reputation of a business. The first item is associated with the quality of products and services. As quality, it is understood, in addition to the basic and obvious already known, transparency and consistency. In this case, transparency means clearly showing the customer what kind of product or service he will receive and consistency, always delivering what he is expecting. This does not, of course, minimize the importance of not surprising the customer, but worse than not surprising him is disappointing him.

Although these statements seem obvious, in order to be able to follow this path, the entrepreneur must constantly worry about the processes – which can be divided into three pillars: People, Excellence and Sales Growth. All of them bearing in mind an extreme concern with quality. That is, if we are concerned with people (retention, quality of life, organizational climate, among others) we cannot Pakistan WhatsApp Number List consider training that will have a decisive impact on the quality of delivery. In the same way, even if everyone aims for the growth of companies, the same can never happen if it is at the expense of quality. And finally, excellence must be an obsession for entrepreneurs who want to reach the top. Even so, any company is still subject to suffering a quality problem or rumors that become public and jeopardize its reputation and, as a consequence its business.


Manage this type of crisis some actions are fundamental: In the first place, a small crisis committee should be created immediately, made up of the main people involved in the matter, including the company's president and, if possible, a communication advisor. From this committee, one should verify what happened, what actions were and will be taken to resolve the matter and define the communication to be made with customers or the press, if applicable. Regarding the press, it is important to highlight that it should never be ignored or left unanswered for questions related to a possible problem. Phrases like “nothing to declare” are arrogant and give rise to the presumption that the company is wrong or does not know how to solve its problems or is hiding something or anything else that can be imagined.
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