In an era where everything is smart and big marketing and technology must always go hand in hand

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In an era where everything is smart and big marketing and technology must always go hand in hand

Post by safi2021 »

It is not today that we have suffered a strong worldwide trend for the production of campaigns to become more intelligent, from their creation to the way they are delivered. With the rise of new online sales channels, the delivery of any material in a marketing campaign starts to have a different weight. It is necessary to understand exactly how that differs from a standard cost of operation and how to measure what returns (tacit and tangible) can be obtained from it. This is why marketing becomes more strategic and technological every day. It is up to the CMO's (and future CMT's) to solve the challenge of creating a model capable of providing a unified management of multiple sales channels, with specific consumer information per channel (buying behavior, experiences provided by contact with products correlated to the consumption profile of each user) – Reference: Omni channel.

Standard marketers will turn into technology specialists for their company's model of selling and publishing offers, this transforms the conventional dynamics of marketing. In addition to traditional production, we will have teams increasingly linked to the control and management of consumption indicators, users of new technologies. Marketing leaders will be the experts and responsible for enabling sales Oman WhatsApp Number List in any model, on and offline. A practical reflection of this challenge is the difficulty that large B2C players have when trying to migrate or start an online sales model (e-commerce), or as B2B companies, when they need or want to expand their market through a LongTail strategy with a SaaS (Software As A Service) offer. Most of them need to start a new company and duplicate part of their back office structures to simply operate a new sales channel, By observing the growth rates of investments in communication and marketing, recent market studies indicate that within a few years CMOs will have more budget to spend on technology than CIOs.


The media the offer profile the investments, the professionals, everything is changing! In addition, there is already a strong entry of non-conventional sales mechanisms, starting with platforms that are very different from the ones we had until some time ago. In the future, more important than being connected will be the ability to be able to offer your products in any desired channel, without any manual dependency or need for duplication or cost increases. The “smart” concept that was introduced and launched within cell phones is taking shape and will be prevalent in most products in the future (smart watch, smart glass, smart wall, etc.). In line with this, today, large companies and advertisers no longer just accept investing in campaigns, they want to have and see the return on it, they need tangible indices and metrics that, for example, allow calculating the ROI ( Return On Investment ) and the ROA ( Return On Assets )), indicators that indicate the return on investment made by companies.
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