Belo Horizonte hosts the 25th UNIAPAC World Congress and the 10th FIEMG

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Belo Horizonte hosts the 25th UNIAPAC World Congress and the 10th FIEMG

Post by safi2021 »

Between September 30th and October 2nd, Belo Horizonte will host the 25th World Congress of ADCE – Association of Christian Business Leaders and UNIAPAC – International Union of Christian Business Leaders and the 10th International Sustainability Seminar, of the Federation of Industries of the State of Minas Gerais (FIEMG). The meeting, with the theme: “Companies, government and civil society working together for the common good” will be held at the Palácio das Artes, with an opening ceremony at 7 pm on September 30th. The event, organized by ADCE Minas and FIEMG, aims to generate debates on current economic, socio-environmental and political problems, associating State actions with the initiatives of civil society agents in order to find solutions to the complex problems of Brazil and the world at present.

According to the president of UNIAPAC Latinoamericana and ADCE Brasil, Sérgio Cavalieri, this will be the biggest event of its kind that Belo Horizonte has ever hosted in its entire history. The ADCE/UNIAPAC World Congresses take place every three years, and Lebanon WhatsApp Number List in the entity's 84 years it will be held in Brazil for the first time. The FIEMG International Sustainability Seminar is held every two years. The combination of the two events allowed for bringing high-level Brazilian and international speakers and a program that was both diversified and rich. For the president of FIEMG, Olavo Machado, the common good is something more than the sum of individual interests. “The very topical theme “Companies, government and civil society working together for the common good”, has a direct intersection with the global economic crisis and also with the Brazilian scenario of low growth and exacerbated corruption he explains.


The event's target audience is businessmen, executives, business leaders, government representatives, politicians and leaders of third sector entities, representatives of international entities such as ILO – International Labor Organization and UNDP – United Nations Development Program. On September 30, the opening ceremony will take place with a lecture by Cledorvino Belini, president of FIAT Chrysler for Latin America and a video message by professor and writer Jeffrey Sachs, director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University. The event continues on October 1st and 2nd, with six plenary sessions, with conferences, lectures and debates on the need to transform the current world order into a new arrangement that is more inclusive, with justice and peace. The program features 35 speakers, 22 of which are foreigners, representing 12 different countries, including businessmen, professors and religious figures who will give lectures, round tables and conversations on issues that afflict the world today.
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