Get to know successful cases of digital marketing and get inspired

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Get to know successful cases of digital marketing and get inspired

Post by safi2021 »

It's been a while since digital marketing stopped being a trend to become a reality among entrepreneurs, agencies and companies from all segments. Most organizations that seek to succeed in such a competitive market already treat the internet as one of the main communication and marketing channels, especially due to the accessibility and ease of use that the network provides. However, despite being accessible and apparently easy to use, it is not easy to develop success stories in this segment. As with traditional marketing, digital campaigns require a lot of care, knowledge and professionalism. The internet is a dynamic market that is always evolving and changing rapidly. For this reason, constantly monitoring and evaluating your actions is critical to being successful. That's exactly what the three companies below did, which have great success stories in digital marketing , which we're going to share today for you to be inspired.

Check out Three digital marketing success stories to inspire you Seeking to demonstrate the value of investing in his work to promote his products and services, and attract more customers, was the challenge for Douglas Lima, a self-employed dental surgeon India WhatsApp Number List specializing in aesthetic implant dentistry. The solution he found was to direct his efforts towards the generation of educational content. This was a broad work that included a blog , used to instruct patients and also strengthen the professional's confidence. Conversion pages in videos that demonstrated the treatments were also used and, from there, a marketing automation strategy. With all this, the sales process became simpler and the average ticket increased. After six months of work, the total revenue generated grew by around.


Project Builder is a company that offers solutions for project management and was looking for a way to make potential clients more aware of the possibilities offered, in addition to becoming a point of reference on the subject. For this, digital marketing was essential, as Project Builder decided to invest in market education, especially that of its potential customers. To achieve these objectives, it worked with Inbound Marketing, producing various educational materials available for download. In this way, it was possible to educate and even acquire information about these potential customers. The company also produced a weekly newsletter to maintain relationships and help customers with day-to-day activities. With the work, traffic on the site increased considerably, making it easier to find, and this attracted the attention of large companies , such as Carrefour and Porto Seguro, which are now customers.
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