Tips to boost your company's social networks

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Tips to boost your company's social networks

Post by safi2021 »

Social networks are currently one of the main communication channels between companies and their consumers. In this way, they also represent powerful tools to conquer more business opportunities. However, how to succeed on these platforms and win more customers? What should be considered when building marketing strategies for social networks? In today's post, we're going to talk about some actions that can make social networks boost your business. Check out our 5 golden tips below: Curate your content well Before the popularization of the Internet and content marketing , we were bombarded daily by a multitude of Outbound Marketing actions – “Outbound Marketing”. Basically, what characterizes Outbound Marketing are interruption strategies. A basic example of this are the breaks of a movie on TV for showing advertisements. The problem is, nobody likes to be interrupted! To gain the attention of social media users , it is important to curate your content well.

This will enable your company page to overcome the public's natural resistance to anything resembling an advertisement. A good tip is to stay tuned in response metrics (likes, RTs) to assess which type of content pleases your fans the most. Interact with your followers Hong Kong WhatsApp Number List One of the main rules of social media says that if you don't initiate an interaction with someone, no one will interact back. As we mentioned, people have a certain resistance to marketing and, therefore, will avoid contact with company profiles. Therefore, it is essential that the brand itself cultivates relationships. When a follower leaves a comment on your posts, reply! Encourage people to comment, like and RT, as these attitudes will strengthen your brand. Facebook, for example, uses the amount of follower interactions (likes, comments) to determine the organic reach of a Page's posts.


The more interactions that occur, the less there is a need to pay for boosting posts. Alternate nurturing and targeting posts There are two types of business social media posts: nurturing and audience targeting. In nutrition posts, the page offers qualified content that is of interest to its followers. The idea is to make them more connected and interact with the brand. In targeting posts, the company usually posts a link to a landing page to try to direct followers towards a purchase or closer interaction with the business. The most interesting thing for the company is to alternate posts of both types. Test different frequencies to find what works best for your audience. Use targeting options Facebook offers an interesting option for segmenting and targeting your publications to certain types of audiences. For example, the page can prepare an interesting post with an eye-catching image and target it only to young people up to 22 years old.
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