Internal communication mistakes your company should avoid

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Internal communication mistakes your company should avoid

Post by safi2021 »

Internal communication is an important part of every company, just as important as external communication. This is because, in addition to improving work development, well-informed employees become propagators of discourse. Imagine that in a moment of crisis or even when an employee hears someone criticizing the place where he works in the streets, knowing the company's discourse and how it is managed, he will be the first to defend it. Furthermore, when employees are involved through internal communication, they feel part of the team and tend to work with more pleasure for the company. Knowing the importance, see below some mistakes that we have listed so that you do not commit in your company's internal communication . Follow! 1. Delegate business management to internal communication Internal communication must create an identity for the company and motivate everyone to be engaged in the same purposes.

Ideally it should be done in partnership between the Human Resources and Communication sectors. Sometimes, HR professionals try to pass responsibility to the Communications area when things are not going well with employees. This is not a correct practice. Communication does not depend only on the transmission of information. A good organizational climate demands relationship France WhatsApp Number List and people management actions for which the HR staff is more qualified. 2. Not sharing and aligning information This is a mistake, after all, for all the company's employees to be motivated to work and defend it, they need to feel part of the company. Therefore, try to share with them what are the action strategies and objectives that the company hopes to obtain at the end of the cycles. If the company has goals everyone should know.


If the organization has action strategies, everyone should participate. 3. Wrong number of announcements Communicating little is bad because it causes a feeling that nothing is happening. However, too many announcements can detract from the importance of messages and distract employees from their tasks. The messages need to be in adequate quantity, so that the recipients are able to perceive their importance and that the content is fixed. Analyze what needs to be sent by email, so that employees can see it instantly and what can be, for example, gathered in a newsletter-type email or communicated in the form of a bulletin board in the company. Diversify formats and tools . 4. Using technical terms that are not common to everyone There are terms in the area of ​​communication that are not common to all areas and, therefore, your message will not be received by the recipients as you would like.
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