How to create an e-book and increase internet sales

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How to create an e-book and increase internet sales

Post by safi2021 »

Those who work with digital marketing know very well that, to be successful on the internet, it is not enough to advertise your business anywhere, to anyone: you need to advertise in the right places to attract the attention of the right audience. For this, nothing better than offering something that is really useful in exchange for some small information, such as name and contact email. And what could be more useful than an e-book with some solutions to your problems? If you liked the idea, but still don't know how to create an e-book, don't worry! In today's post, we put together a step by step to teach you how to do this. Check it out now! The importance of investing in e-books Before starting, it is worth mentioning that yes, giving a digital book “as a gift” to your audience can be an excellent idea for your business! According to data collected in 2016 by the 4th edition of the Survey “Portraits of Reading in Brazil”, by Instituto Pró-Livro, Brazilians read, on average, about 4.96 books per year. In this environment, the digital format (ie, e-books) has been one of the most sought after.

According to the Brazilian Chamber of Books , in 2015 alone the e-book market was responsible for injecting more than 20 million reais into the economy. To stay competitive, your business must keep up with trends and reach audiences where they are. See below our step by step to create a successful e-book: It's not because people are interested in reading an e-book that you or your company should Czech Republic WhatsApp Number List write about anything, right? It is important to correctly define the theme of the book and how it will relate to your business. Look at your site's Analytics numbers to find out what information the public is most looking for there. It is also worth doing a Google search to see if there are other e-books on the market on the subject, taking a look at Google Trends to find out if the topic is really sought after on the internet, and above all, to understand if you are the best person to write about that topic.


One of the keys to producing relevant content , whether for your blog or an e-book, is correctly structuring the topics to be presented. Create topics that help the reader to understand the topic well and do not waste time with unnecessary subjects that do not take the content forward. Also, don't forget to create a logical order for the reader, as no reader likes to be confused! 3. E-According to Amazon's Publishing Guide, the maximum size for an e-book should be pixels. This makes reading enjoyable on smartphones and tablets as well as on Kindle devices. The Apple Guide says that, for everything to run smoothly even on the most modern devices — like the iPad Air, for example —, a good size can be at most . However, if you don't have a publishing program (such as Adobe InDesign), that's no problem: you can also create your e-book in programs such as Word or even Google Docs and use some plugins to convert the file to digital format.
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