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Learn how to optimize your company's internal communication processes

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2023 5:45 am
by safi2021
A well-aligned internal communication can raise your business to a level of efficiency that is a true differentiator in the market. After all, through this strategy it is possible to create a learning culture capable of influencing an entire organization. For this to be possible, the exchange of information must occur in an aligned and efficient manner, guaranteeing a high commitment of all those involved in the process and resulting in high performance at work. Are you looking for a way to optimize your company's internal communication processes? So follow the tips we've listed below! Implement the “open door” policy Open all ports for communication. Encourage your employees to share opinions and see how this simple change is one of the most effective ways to improve and motivate communication in the workplace.

Attention it is necessary to make it clear that the opinions will not affect the work or lead to anything negative for anyone. Expose the numbers Consider the following scenario: you receive an email asking you to follow a certain goal, because the company needs to complete that goal, period. Now, imagine that the message, instead of just showing direction, includes charts, quarterly results and Brazil WhatsApp Number List numbers that prove the company's growth. Of course, the second example encourages much more. Metrics speak louder than words! embed the video Not only do e-mails live the internal communication processes of companies. The tendency is to bring the power that video has in people's lives into organizations. Video is a perfect solution to keep your team up to date with company changes. Make short videos that are straight to the point, more like casual conversations or interviews, and use animations. Give social media a chance Most of your employees already use some kind of social network.


Why not take advantage of this to deploy an internal social network? The benefits can be immense. For example: encouraging communication between sectors, identifying people's communication skills, obtaining a huge source of information, among others. Communicate in all directions In most companies, communication happens from the top down. However, to make a real impact, consider opening up all communication channels so that anyone can give feedback, ask questions or make suggestions. This is a simple strategy, but still rarely seen in very traditional companies. Public uma newsletter The good old newsletter has its importance in communication. Perhaps there is an employee at your company who prefers to maintain secrecy and privacy, and therefore does not use any social network. But that same person certainly has at least one email address. And with your content coming directly to him, the information will be perceived as even more important than it already is.