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How important is an internal communication plan

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2023 5:37 am
by safi2021
A good internal communication plan is essential for the strategic planning of companies. It establishes how organizational communication will act internally and should include issues such as objective, message, approach, assessment, diagnosis and other important topics. In today's post, you will learn the importance of a good internal communication plan and learn the first steps to do this planning in your company. Follow! Why do an internal communication plan Internal communication planning is essential to improve a company's productivity, since the internal public needs to be informed and aligned with the organization's objectives to produce more, efficiently and with quality. Internal communication still works to maintain a positive organizational climate, providing relevant information and considerably reducing the famous “peão radio”, which are speculations made by employees in the face of the lack of official communication in the company.

How to write a good communication plan The communication plan depends, above all, on the strategic planning of each organization. However, in order to know what to communicate, it is necessary to clearly identify the company's objectives and where it wants to go. See below for a step-by-step guide to preparing your company's internal communication plan. TEAM The success Belarus WhatsApp Number List of the internal communication plan depends on working together, with a team capable of adding knowledge in the areas of Public Relations, Journalism, Publicity and Propaganda, based on an idea of ​​integrated communication. When working with internal communication planning, the possible scenarios to be faced by the organization must be previously mapped, from opportunities to threats. Thus, the company will be better prepared for the dynamics of the environment. Even if scenarios change internally, it is easier to redo an internal communication plan than to start from scratch.


The plan demands research evaluation and reflection, allowing the company to anticipate its competitors, as it has an internal public highly engaged with the organization's objectives. After diagnosing the internal communication , it is necessary to plan a strategy that takes into account the expectations of the employees regarding the company and the work, if the internal policy is coherent with the culture of the company's global policy and if there are adequate communication vehicles for the internal communication. After this diagnosis, it is necessary to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the current communication policy. Then it's time to set the goals. Most of the time, the communication plan is full of small actions and ideas, composing strategies that, aligned, close the communication plan.When the objectives of the communication plan are defined, it is important that the adopted policy is simple realistic and transparent.