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How to improve communication between manager and employee

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2023 5:37 am
by safi2021
Companies that seek expressive results and value a good internal environment know that communication is fundamental to structure these objectives. It is almost impossible to think about work without taking into account the need for community and dialogue between people, whether professional peers or from different hierarchical levels. As companies evolve and modernize their people management strategies, a question arises: how to improve communication? In this post, we will talk a little more about the actions that institutions can put into practice to improve dialogue and clarity in communication between managers and employees. Check out! Transparency in communication starts with access to information The manager, concerned with improving internal communication strategies, needs to keep in mind that the relationship between the company and its employees must value respect and transparency.

This principle begins with the rules that make up the internal regulations — such as rules of conduct and safety —, goes through the mission, vision and values ​​of the company and ends with the clarification of work processes and goals. It is important that the leader Bangladesh WhatsApp Number List 1 Million Package encourages his team to know this information, after all, they are what determine the procedures adopted in the company and serve as a guide to define the appropriate standards for the organization. Many employees who are fired for slipping up internally complain about the lack of knowledge of the company's values ​​and the expectations of managers. Therefore, it is very important that this information is transmitted and remembered by the bosses. Meet your team Gaining the respect of other employees and nurturing a healthy relationship is something that every manager wants, but he is not always willing to do a basic exercise for this to happen: getting to know his team.


Leaders who are distant from employees and who do not show interest in relating end up missing the opportunity to get to know each one of their subordinates better. A good conversation helps to understand the difficulties, desires, talents and preferences of each one, in addition to being a great opportunity to exercise empathy, in order to try to understand a little more about the routine and challenges of the team members. Try to create relaxation and interaction activities within the sector, as they serve as a break in tense days and help in this process of getting to know the personalities of employees. Develop internal communication channels Formal emails and memos from the board are not always enough for clear and well-structured internal communication, much less to improve communication between managers and employees. Try to analyze which channels are used to transmit information and reflect on the adopted formats, target audience and language.