Business Communication and Organizational Communication: understand the differences

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Business Communication and Organizational Communication: understand the differences

Post by safi2021 »

There are no human interactions and, therefore, not even an organization without a communicative practice. However, companies that consciously use it know that different audiences require different approaches. Therefore, business communication and organizational communication have different purposes and characteristics. Do you know what they are? If you also have doubts about these concepts, this post will clear them up. Let's talk about the differences between them and the importance of each in the organizational context. Check out! Business Communication It is used by companies to achieve certain objectives with the public, such as increasing credibility and improving their image in the market. The purpose is business expansion, increased profits and growth of the organization.

Currently business communication is a vital action for the survival of companies. It has the role of providing some kind of profit or benefit to the organization, be it social, image or even financial.Establishing a strategy for business communication avoids some problems Austria WhatsApp Number List and promotes a more pleasant and productive organizational climate. In addition, there are other benefits: it avoids rumours, speculations and their consequences, both from internal and external audiences; it creates a feeling of belonging and participation in employees, and in consumers a sense of engagement; makes doubts, complaints and suggestions find a productive channel for expression; contributes to building a positive image of the company; creates an alignment of values ​​and purposes that favors productivity.


Initiatives can target two different audiences: internal public They are the company's employees, suppliers and opinion makers. The objective is to present results, ask for suggestions, encourage joint work and promote transparency. external public It's about society and consumers. In this case, communication must know how to convey its messages correctly, promoting a good image of the product or brand. There are certainly several ways to make business communication happen. However, companies that use this tool effectively bet on the following characteristics: agility to make the planning idea reach the target audience; interactivity, allowing dialogue with the target audience; mobility to reach connected people in the means they use; capillarity to reach as many people as possible; engagement , giving the target audience the chance to actively participate in the business communication process transparency.
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