Innovation in management software for MSEs everything you need to know

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Innovation in management software for MSEs everything you need to know

Post by safi2021 »

Many micro and small companies continue with their offline and analog processes because they believe that the use of innovation and technology is too expensive and incompatible with their realities. And that's a big mistake. In today's post, we'll see how the use of software can optimize the management of MSEs. Let's go? Contextualizing MSEs In Brazil, we have a total of 18,268,390 companies, with individual microentrepreneurs (MEI), microenterprises (ME) and small businesses (EPP) representing 16,894,724 enterprises/headquarters, that is, they represent 92.48% of total number of Brazilian companies (Source: DataSebrae , 2020). And it is the last two categories (microenterprises and small companies) that are not usually known as MSEs. In the case of Brazil, they total 7,083,515, representing 38.77% of the total.

When we talk about MPE in general they have a large number of limitations in the most diverse areas, such as: Financial; Human Resources; Marketing; Production; Among others. That is, among the main challenges that MSEs face are agility and productivity. And achieving greater operational efficiency and, consequently, increased profitability becomes more difficult. However, in this sense, technology can help by automating part of its processes. Innovation in management software for MSEs: main advantages Investing in management systems increases the competitiveness of MSEs. Among the main advantages, we have: Greater standardization : with the use of management software, the different sectors of the company will standardize the flows, leaving the organization as a whole with much more integrated and agile flows; Integration of information : consolidating all information in a single environment streamlines decision-making and improves management vision.

Reduction of errors with a good software for MPEs it generates a reduction of time, in addition to a greater accuracy in the processes. In this way, there is a great reduction of errors, rework, increased productivity and, obviously, increased profits; Economics : anyone who imagines that hiring good management software is incompatible with the financial reality of an MSE is wrong. On the contrary: with the evolution of technologies, it is possible to find a management software solution suited to the size and challenge of a micro or small company. In addition, among the results, it is possible to verify greater economy, either in the smaller need for employees, as well as in the increase in sales. Finally, it is important to highlight that management software does not operate only in the financial area. Although this area is often the “nerve center” of many MSEs, management software works in modules and in the most diverse areas, such as contract management , discount coupons human resources checklists and much more.
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