Quality of Products and Services what is its impact on the consumer and the competition

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Quality of Products and Services what is its impact on the consumer and the competition

Post by safi2021 »

With an increasingly connected and critical public, willing to express their opinions and evaluations about everything on the internet, from products to experiences. Quality is in the sights of consumers. How does all this really work? What are the impacts of this scenario on your business? Keep reading and find out the answers to these questions. How is quality perceived? The customer, whether an individual or a legal entity, is guided by satisfaction. A set of factors that, consciously or not, lead us to like a product or service for different reasons, whether it be resolution speed, aesthetics, efficiency or above-average customer service. If well executed, greater are the chances of the products/services pleasing your customer in the end. Achieving customer satisfaction is not an easy task. It only takes one failure to compromise the effort of the entire team, overshadowing the positive points.

Thinking about the customer experience and keeping processes perfectly aligned is essential for the company's success. Quality goes beyond the product It is common to find companies that provide a great product, but lack in customer service , logistical and financial processes. In some cases, customer loyalty only exists thanks to their experience in the market. However, we notice the fragility of USA WhatsApp Number List this link between company and consumer as soon as competition comes into play. How many stores lost public after the birth of e-commerce? How many traditional banks lost part of their reign with the emergence of fintechs? These are companies that analyze customer pain points and find business opportunities capable of solving them. The mere awareness of the need for quality control of your product/service is already a big step forward for many companies, but it takes proactivity and creativity to capture the needs of the public quickly and solve them in time.


Aim for the Customer Experience Social networks and websites focused on consumer experience, such as Google My Business, Linkedin, Facebook and Instagram, facilitated access to public opinion about a company, product or service. This was a big step in changing consumer behavior. As customers, we tend to invest our time and money in what feels safe. Therefore, it is up to companies to listen, understand the pain of the customer, evaluate and correct failures, improving the consumer experience. End-to-end control Quality control must be present in every process of your company, complemented with a routine for monitoring and developing action plans, which must be created with the same speed. Thus, we conclude that quality influences both consumers' purchase decisions and the success of their companies.
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