E-book Hire a unified system or hire individualized systems which is better for the company

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E-book Hire a unified system or hire individualized systems which is better for the company

Post by safi2021 »

A company needs to manage its information, transaction histories of the most diverse and manage the flows of information between departments and people. It is true that it needs a management system for this, where its processes will all be digitized. But which system should a company hire? This decision is difficult to make, especially when it comes to cost versus features. Many of these software are free and have functionality limits and at some point this freeware can become a problem. On the other hand, we have more complete and integrated software, but this comes at a cost when hiring. In both cases, I'm not just talking about the financial cost, but about all the costs directly and indirectly involved, such as dedicated team time, people who focused their efforts on implementing that or that software.

There is an even bigger problem that must be analyzed by the company that will hire one model or another of software: how the information will be arranged in these software. This leads us to ask: Will they be integrated and available across company departments? Will the information be centralized or fractioned in each system in use? Will everyone be able to consult the information Turkey WhatsApp Number List or only some collaborators? Can the customer follow the processes in real time? Is the information secure? Is the organization of data and information consistent or is there duplication or lack of information in each part of the software? According to Kubina2020, taken from the summary available at(free translation), digital transformation in companies is inevitable for them to continue to exist: “Digital transformation is fundamental to the existence of companies and provides a series of new opportunities.


However initiating any effective organizational transformation that provides strategic direction is an exceptional and highly complex management challenge. Business leaders are often aware of the transformative changes arising, but many fail to understand the phenomenon and struggle to recognize the main driver for becoming a digitally mature organization.” The result of his research, taken from the abstract available at (free translation), shows that: although the dimensions related to the implementation of new technologies or the digitization of processes are well unveiled in companies, a digital mindset is rarely pre-existing, fully rooted in the corporate culture with collaborative activities, including external partners. I will consider some points of analysis to create a line that I call “management complexity”, which is composed of some points: Volume of internal processes; Format of work process flows (workflow); Volume of employees; Volume of customers and suppliers; Degree of Transformation and Digital Maturity – based on the practices of the.
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