E-book Hire a unified system or hire individualized systems which is better for the company

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E-book Hire a unified system or hire individualized systems which is better for the company

Post by safi2021 »

Explaining by company size, a simple format that I've been understanding and applying to companies, which I've implemented management systems. These formats are directly linked to the topics covered in the introduction to this material. Micro Companies: Internal processes : As they are larger companies than micro companies, they are companies that have already grown and evolved in their internal processes. He understands that he needs management systems to control all the information and he knows that he needs to decentralize processes and decision-making. Workflows: They understand that they need a better flow of information, they need historical information. Collaborators, customers and suppliers : your number of employees is increasing, as well as your portfolio of customers and suppliers.

Digital Maturity Its digital maturity is already in an intermediate phase, where many processes are already systematized and others are digitized. Complexity of management : The management is better managed, and there is a minimum of manuals, procedures and there is also a hierarchy for the decisions to be taken. Small business: Internal processes : These are very simple companies Thailand WhatsApp Number List in their day-to-day processes. There is no clear definition of functions and procedures; Workflows : Many times several workflows are centered on the same employee – or on the entrepreneur himself; Collaborators, customers and suppliers : It has few employees and its customer portfolio is not extensive and the supply chain is minimal; Digital Maturity : Its digital maturity is in its initial phase and converting what it used to use on printed paper, to word documents, pdf and spreadsheets. Management Complexity : The level of management complexity is quite straightforward and simple.


Decisions are taken in the heat of emotion and each case is different; Medium Companies: Internal processes : these are companies that have already structured their internal processes in a professional manner. Workflows: Your information flows are already in the process of being perfected and validated. They are organized to handle the large volume of data and information. Collaborators, customers and suppliers : Due to the large number of employees, customers and suppliers, most of the processes and information are systematized Digital Maturity : Your digital maturity is at a very advanced stage, planning controls and continuous improvements. Complexity of management : Here there is greater complexity in management. Decision-making takes longer and often must go through several hierarchical levels to resolve issues, problems and approvals. Big enterprises I will not address this type, because we would have to have a TCC only for this size of company.
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