E-book Hire a unified system or hire individualized systems

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E-book Hire a unified system or hire individualized systems

Post by safi2021 »

My experience and the many cases I have followed of unsuccessful implementations, abandoned in the middle of the process, dropouts, lack of knowledge of the entrepreneur and not knowing where to start, salespeople who only think about their commission and sell solutions that are not going to solve anything, brought to the following knowledge: It is better for the company to use a management system, even if they are individualized and fragmented systems, than not having any kind of control or management of the business. It would certainly be better for entrepreneurs to understand the need and study the possibilities, benefits of this or that management system so that they hire the best solution for their need at that moment, but clearly analyzing and planning the growth, both of their business and of the software they use.

Will accompany you on your entrepreneurial journey. It is already a fact that a company will not be successful or grow if it does not use business management systems to organize its flow of people, processes, products and services. This e-book was developed with the purpose of demonstrating which system a company should hire, according to its size of operation and investment. In the market there Switzerland WhatsApp Number List are many software, applications, systems, solutions, etc., which propose to organize and manage a company, or part of it - such as a department - or even a specific process of it. This point and other subjects will be dealt with during this course conclusion work, where I will approach the models used according to the size of companies, in direct correlation with the TMFórum Digital Maturity Model.


Any company today, it has to be “digitized” or in the process of being digitized and the digital maturity model allows identifying how the company is within this process. This will also allow us to make a correlation with the complexity of its management and reach the conclusion that companies will be able to survive and be perennial if they have good management based on management and computerized systems to support this management. Paulo Sousa PAULO SOUSA Entrepreneur by passion, management and marketing by training. Working for many years in IT and for at least 15 years in integrated management and business productivity systems. Web solutions for business management! With the B2BNetwork Management Platform, you have modules to sell, train, manage, organize, monitor and manage your company. Click here and send us your details so we can call you.
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