How to stay relevant in today's market

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How to stay relevant in today's market

Post by safi2021 »

The Coronavirus interrupted our plans, routines and created a “new normal”, where we are constantly reassessing the new scenario and the changes that happen in it. Along with the change in scenery comes changes in consumers' buying habits and these adaptations occur according to their needs and emotions. All these changes, chaos and uncertainty, challenge companies to adapt as quickly as possible to act in this new scenario. Often, sudden changes like this end up putting your brand value building at stake. In this article, we'll show you how you can adapt and stay relevant during this period and after the crisis. The “new normal” and changes in consumption habits. Because of the pandemic, we were forced to change and interrupt a lot of things, we had to avoid going out and, above all, not joining crowds to prevent the spread of the virus. This has forced many people to practice social isolation, which has resulted in a radical change in their consumption habits, mainly because 78% of Brazilians are only going out to buy necessities and 23% are doing Home Office to further avoid breaking the quarantine.

All of this has consequences for the market, after all, people stopped consuming some superfluous items and began to focus on what was essential: hygiene items (mainly) and food. All these changes triggered a strong digitalization movement, as restaurants, markets Sweden WhatsApp Number List and stores need to keep selling to survive, but if consumers are avoiding going to stores, then stores need to go to consumers. In this regard, online stores, Whatsapp orders and the famous Ifood have come to help many establishments and this migration to digital is clear when we see that online shopping in supermarkets has increased by 233% during this pandemic. This is one of the new habits of consumers today. Other habits include the increased consumption of snacks and fast foods, as customers prefer to go to the market to pick their vegetables and fruits.


Habits related to well-being have also changed, as many cannot go to the gym, they are preferring to buy their own equipment and follow the classes offered by the gyms they attend via whatsapp, or invest in low-impact physical exercise such as pilates and yoga , which had a 387% increase in purchases. However, there is a segment that is always on the rise: electronics and entertainment. With digitization, many found themselves needing to upgrade, which led to a 169% increase in laptop sales. The demand for entertainment is clear with the increase in sales of video games, games and the flood (flood) of TikToks, Instagram updates, Podcasts and Streamers. How to stay relevant in this new market At this point, it is important to review your positioning and avoid being silent or opportunistic in this period, as being silent denotes an image of negligence and opportunism sounds as if your company was trying to profit from a delicate moment.
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