Social Marketing an awareness tool

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Social Marketing an awareness tool

Post by safi2021 »

How an Advertising Agency can help you to work with this powerful communication tool. With the latest events in our society and social movements to make the world a place with more equality and, above all, respect, we see that advertising plays an important role, as it has the power to transmit messages to a large number of people with enormous speed. And the brands that invest in representativeness, solidarity actions and other movements in favor of the well-being of society or the environment, end up being remembered positively by consumers. Therefore, in this blog we talk about the concept of Social Marketing and how your brand can make a difference by helping society and even earn points with your audience! What is Social Marketing? Social Marketing emerged in the 1970s when two important names in Marketing, Philip Kotler and Gerald Zaltman, came to the conclusion that traditional Marketing techniques could be applied to “sell” ideas, attitudes and behavior in the hope of attracting attention or eradicating problems. such as: health, education, nutrition and quality of life.

Thus basically Social Marketing has the objective of convincing the target of a certain brand to collaborate with the solution of problems, taking certain actions, showing solidarity or even contributing to social works. Today, brands invest in Social Marketing to go further and give voice to many marginalized social groups, to be a representative tool and break paradigms in an attempt to raise South Africa WhatsApp Number List awareness and spread respect in our society. In addition, another constantly debated agenda is the environment, which is why we see many brands investing in packaging with less impact on the ecosystem and encouraging changes in attitudes, such as the use of paper or stainless steel straws. This is another clear example of Social Marketing, where companies spread ideas and attitudes to solve a problem. The public no longer wants a company that only sells products, they want brands that are more humane and committed to society and the environment.


This shows the value of the brand to consumers and wins them over, even causing many to make changes in the way they act and think, to positively help society. Examples of Social Marketing Doctors without Borders: is an international humanitarian organization that brings medical care to people in crisis, such as wars, extreme poverty, natural disasters and extreme hunger. Criança Esperança: is a social project by Rege Globo in partnership with UNESCO, to make the population aware of the vulnerability of many young people and Brazilian children. They mobilize the public to make collections, which go to various social projects. McHappy Day: Mc Donald is known for having social actions not only here in Brazil, but internationally. Here, the most famous is McHappy Day, where on a predetermined day, the money raised from sales of the famous Big Mac goes to institutions that help children and adolescents with cancer.
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