Why avoid the passive voice in your text for SEO

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Why avoid the passive voice in your text for SEO

Post by safi2021 »

Know what passive voice is and why it is better to avoid it in your SEO texts Know what passive voice is and why it is better to avoid it in your SEO texts There are three types of voices in the Portuguese language and the passive voice has the function of indicating whether the subject receives/suffers or practices the verbal action within the sentence. However, this voice is not recommended for SEO texts and that's what we're going to talk about in this article. Let's address: what it is and the types of passive voice, the disadvantages of using it in your text and what to do to reduce the use of this verbal voice or how to change it to active voice, everything to make the text much more fluid . So if you want to rock Yoast SEO analytics, stay with us in this article to learn all about active voice and its relationship with SEO texts! What is passive voice First, let's revisit those Portuguese lessons to understand what verbal voices are: The verbal voices refer to the relationship between the subject (the one who performs or undergoes the action) of the utterance and the verb.

This connection helps us to define the meaning, focus and intonation that the text has. These voices are divided into three: the active voice, passive voice and reflexive voice. Each of them has the function of showing whether the grammatical subject is the one practicing or undergoing the verbal action. Passive voice: it is used when the grammatical subject is the patient of an action performed by Slovenia WhatsApp Number List the agent. Furthermore, there are two types of passive voices: analytical and synthetic. • Analytical passive voice: Firstly, we need to identify, in the predicate, who is the element that suffers the action. This element/object will become the subject of the sentence (patient subject). Structure of the analytical passive voice: patient subject + auxiliary verb + participle + preposition + passive agent . Example: The books were read by me. Synthetic passive voice: The name is slightly suggestive, it is the “synth version” of the analytical voice. She does this by using the passive pronoun “se” to encompass the idea of ​​“is/is done by someone”. Structure of the synthetic passive voice: transitive verb pronoun patient subject.


Example The pie was eaten. Active voice: occurs when the statement makes it clear that the subject performs the action (agent subject), that is, the subject is the one who actively performs some action. Unlike the passive voice where the focus is on the grammatical subject who is acted upon by the agent subject. “The boy watches television” Agent subject + verb in active voice + predicate continuation Reflective voice: sometimes we assemble sentences where the subject performs the action on himself , that is, the agent subject is an agent for performing the action AND is a patient subject for suffering this action. Got confused? Calm down, let's explain better. In the reflective voice, the use of the famous “himself” is very common. Example: “She combed herself ” OR “She combed herself” Subject verb Why we should avoid the passive voice in SEO texts In SEO texts, it is preferable that your message is clear and easy to understand on the first reading, for this reason it is better to avoid the passive voice, mainly because it makes your text more distant and, consequently, your message becomes more difficult to be understood.
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