Agile Marketing what is agile Marketing management and what are its benefits

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Agile Marketing what is agile Marketing management and what are its benefits

Post by safi2021 »

Find out what Agile Marketing is and how it can make your strategies much more efficient! We live in an age where small elements or everything can change quickly. Therefore, waiting all year to review marketing strategies has become unproductive. So how can we make this process even more agile and efficient? With that in mind, Agile Marketing emerged , an adaptation of the terms “rapid management” or “agile methodologies” - very common in the area of ​​software development – ​​which came to bring marketing teams into the digital age, once and for all! Come with us and we'll show you everything about this new methodology, how it works and the benefits it can bring. What is and how Agile Marketing came about In the 70s we went through a period of innovation within the market – technologies, software, market, etc. – which resulted in a concern on the part of the developers.

During this period the computer scientist Winston Royce published an article on the development of large software, where he cites the stages for the development of a project. However, this would become the “waterfall” methodology, which served as the basis for Agile. From this process, in 2001, the expression “agile methodologies” emerged, created by software development specialists, who launched the Agile Manifesto . The original manifest has 4 values: 1. Individuals and interactions over processes and tools; 2. Working software Singapore WhatsApp Number List over comprehensive documentation; 3. Customer collaboration over contract negotiation; 4. Responding to change over following a plan. However, this manifesto didn't just stay within the IT department. He went through several sectors that adopted the methodology and made their own adaptations. Just like Marketing. The Fundamentals of Agile Marketing When marketing professionals began to understand the Agile methodology and adapt it to their universe, the need to document it arose, as did IT professionals.


Therefore in the SprintZero event brought together marketing professionals from San Francisco (USA) to create the Agile Marketing Manifesto . Currently, this manifesto serves as a guide for many companies and professionals who wish to adopt the method. In addition, it has 7 values ​​and 10 principles, which we are going to explain now, starting with the values: 1. Validate learning more than following opinions and conventions. The Agile Marketing methodology depends on a circular process of validation of learning , through 3 steps: implement, measure and learn. Thus, instead of using market conventions or, simply, the opinions of those at the top of the hierarchy to make decisions, this methodology promotes the use of data from tests and experiments. 2. Customer-centric collaboration instead of isolation and hierarchy. This point suggests that teams – IT, sales, marketing, etc. - work together to meet customer needs. Therefore, all decisions need to be taken together, always bearing in mind the demands of the client. This is something that doesn't happen within the traditional marketing model.
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