Years of Facebook and its impact on corporate communication

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Years of Facebook and its impact on corporate communication

Post by safi2021 »

Ten years after its launch in a room at Harvard University, Facebook has consolidated itself as a sociological phenomenon that surpasses 1.2 billion users and epitomizes the way of relating in the era of interconnectivity. Coming from the seemingly essential need of a not-so-popular young man to have popular “friends”, at that time, this brilliant communication channel played like no other of its competitors (Orkut appeared a week earlier, Friendster was the most popular at that time and Myspace was only a year old) in the most sensitive of our species: the need to be accepted and to communicate informally and emotionally. Concepts like “friendship” and “community” acquired new meanings, absurdly expanding our contact networks of the now “avatars” and allowing us to belong to more than one community, virtual, of course.

If the world seems to be a melting pot today, it is largely because more than a billion users are present on this single platform, which has the great challenge of continuing to offer tools for interconnection and sharing. When we users were just beginning to understand the social implications of this phenomenon, business organizations woke up to the need to communicate with their audiences Portugal WhatsApp Number List through Facebook. However, the prevailing emotional and informal manner did not suit corporate communication. The temptation to extend the traditional model of communication based on “command and control” to Facebook has led, and in many cases continues to, to an audience that, depending on the circumstances, can become very spontaneous and demanding of transparent communication through part of corporations, being able to become targets of very well structured campaigns through Facebook.


Dialogue between business organizations and the complex network established with their stakeholders is far from having a magic formula. However, the areas responsible for corporate communication should take advantage of the rich source of data available on their stakeholders, data that – through increasingly relevant methodologies and technologies – can guide the alignment of a more assertive and attentive communication to the pulse of emotions, perceptions and behaviors on a given subject. This data intelligence is the main tool that Facebook itself has to improve the user experience and stay in the game. From my point of view, the challenge of corporate communication is to combine strategic communication drivers with increasingly relevant disciplines such as Netnography, Network Science and Data Science, enabling the discovery of strategic knowledge that emerges from social networks which, like Facebook will never cease.
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