Main newspapers in the country publish editorials to commemorate

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Main newspapers in the country publish editorials to commemorate

Post by safi2021 »

Last Monday the day that marked the 50th anniversary of the 1964 coup, the main Brazilian newspapers, which also had an intense participation in the overthrow of President João Goulart, printed in their editorials the conditions that led to the rise of the military dictatorship, the position of the press at the time and even mea culpa for the moment of support for the regime. Folha de said, in its edition last Sunday (3/30), that the period has been the target of “deserved and generalized” repudiation. Under the title “1964”, the publication evaluates the main periods after the coup, as well as the mistake of supporting the dictatorship during the first half of its term. “There is no doubt that, in today's eyes, that support was a mistake he points out.

This newspaper should have rejected all violence from democracy and individual freedoms", says Folha, who argued that it is now easy to judge those responsible for past choices and added that the period was a "painful learning experience" for those in the public space Peru WhatsApp Number List to reach maturity for renouncing hostile acts. O Estado de S. Paulo directs the text “Half a century later” to illustrate the scenario at the time, when there was “an explosive mixture of advances by these [unionist] groups towards control of the State and disorder in the economy and administration”, and points out that João tried to impose “reforms of a socialist nature, although he did not have a popular mandate to do so”. The newspaper addresses the administrative and economic crisis in the period, but makes no mention of supporting the coup.


On Monday 30 the publication published on its website some of the articles that were censored. “Redemocratization would come at the end of two decades of free will, thanks to the persistence of thousands of Brazilians who behaved in a peaceful and orderly manner, repudiating both the violence used by those who mistakenly chose armed struggle and the brutality of the agents of the exceptional regime. ”, ends the text. The carioca O Globo calls attention with the call “Never again to repeat itself”. The text reiterates regret regarding the support for the coup, a measure that led Organizações Globo to recognize, last year, the editorial mistake. “It was concluded that, based on the historical perspective given by the passage of time, it is clear that, with all the imperfections of the regime, no model is better, in all senses, than the democratic one he points out.
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