The meaning of the agreement between Ibope and Twitter

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The meaning of the agreement between Ibope and Twitter

Post by safi2021 »

Increasingly common the Brazilian habit of watching television in the company of social networks will be closely monitored by a tool built by Ibope in partnership with Twitter. By the end of 2014, the two companies will offer the market the Ibope Twitter TV Ratings (ITTR), an index to measure the impact of television content on the 140-character posting site. Already existing in Europe and the United States, the service can redefine the distribution of advertising funds among broadcasters, changing the balance of power between new and “old” media. It's not hard to see why the deal announced last week is so important. According to a study by Ibope, 54% of Brazilian Internet users watch TV and use the web at the same time, with 38% commenting on what they are watching. More: 9.5% of internet users have already switched channels or turned on the television because of social networks.

According to another analysis, carried out by IAB Brasil and comScore, these people pay equal or more attention to their computers, tablets and smartphones compared to televisions. Twitter is keeping an eye on the trend – and the financial gains it can bring you. In search of a profitable business model, the company wants to produce results by positioning itself as an indispensable Paraguay WhatsApp Number List company for those who want to update themselves on TV programs, participate in real-time discussions and choose what to buy. There's room for it: In 2012, 32 million Americans tweeted about television, says Nielsen. To surf this wave, the social network has sewn partnerships with various media groups. As Forbes reports, unlike organizations like Google, Microsoft, Yahoo and Facebook, Twitter has adopted a collaborative discourse to capture the attention of content producers and advertisers: “We come in peace; let's make money together.


In the company's view, the recipe is simple. First, commercials shown on the small screen, when followed by Twitter ads, are more likely to generate sales. Second, the more people talk about a show on social media, the potentially higher its audience will be. Embryonic studies have already shown that the increase in the volume of posts on the platform about a program can increase its performance in the traditional Ibope. The success of the strategy, however, depends on a measurement system that is reliable and respected by advertisers. Thus, the alliance with Ibope could not be more promising for Twitter. Synonymous with real-time television metrics, the institute lends the social network not only credibility, but also the necessary tool for advertisers to decide on integrated campaigns in both media. In a pessimistic scenario for TV broadcasters, Twitter will start to grab funds previously allocated to commercial breaks Just to give you an idea.
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