After all what is the role of social networks for the market

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After all what is the role of social networks for the market

Post by safi2021 »

That social networks play an increasingly important role in the success of brands and companies is no surprise. Virtually everyone uses them, even if sporadically. Social networks have become a meeting place for various segments, interest groups and general public. The benefits that these media generate are countless, such as increasing public knowledge about the organization, product or service; the creation of more favorable perceptions in relation to the organization, the brand and the products/services; an improved understanding by the organization of customers' perceptions of the organization, brand and products/services and a development of targeted marketing/communication activities. ABERJE (Brazilian Association of Business Communication) recently carried out a survey with 53 companies that reveals the way they use social networks.

The conclusion was that the main purposes come down to Marketing – relationship marketing, branding and communication. In this way, the structural basis for the use of social networks is the relationship. If the marketing plan does not have relationship actions in the networks, the action will not reach the expected efficiency. The survey also revealed that most companies leave the responsibility Panama WhatsApp Number List for planning social networks to the communication area, not marketing. Which proves that social networks are seen as media and not as a relationship environment. And maybe that's why they are not seen as a key success factor, but as a tool to increase engagement. In addition, it was also revealed that almost half of the companies analyzed did not have any other type of relationship with customers.


Other than the more traditional ones, such as meetings and phone calls. That is, if it weren't for the chains, customers and audiences would not be familiar with the respective brands. When asked about training employees responsible for marketing actions on networks, 70% of companies answered that they do not. Frightening data, considering the responsibility and impact that marketing planning through these media has. In conclusion, almost 60% of the companies answered that their main challenge is to discover how to make money through social media. The answer seems to be to stop seeing the networks only as a tool to increase engagement and start focusing on marketing for the sale of products and brands Source PubliMinas.
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