E-commerce in the air Look for an expert

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E-commerce in the air Look for an expert

Post by safi2021 »

If you've just launched a new e-commerce site, you need to publicize it and you don't know where to start, the answer is right below: “Find an expert”. According to e-bit, in 2013 there will be billion in revenue in Brazilian e-commerce and 20% of this amount will come from new longtail stores , which explore niches in commerce. Although the phrase above seems like a clichéd ad, there is an important lesson behind it. Many companies start their journeys on the Internet and, due to investment constraints, choose to have an Acquisition Marketing operation in-house. This solution, which looks good in the short term, brings big problems in the long run. The most obvious of them – and the one that everyone thinks first – is the turnover of professionals in the sector. Everyone knows how Digital Marketing professionals are disputed.

A survey by Exame magazine revealed that Digital Marketing appeared seven times among the 30 most promising professions in 2013. published a survey of e-commerce companies that are hiring and showed that, in 65% of cases, candidates are unprepared to fill open positions. Imagine, then, how is the retention of this professional within a startup. In addition to high salaries, the position of Norway WhatsApp Number List director has to come after a few months of work. Remember that Generation Y wants to be “strategic” and not “operational”. But perhaps the most important point to think about is how much it is worth bringing the learning of a specialized company into the home. When hiring a Digital Marketing professional for a startup, entrepreneurs end up having a unique and personal view of their acquisition channels. In some cases, the Internet entrepreneur already comes from this market and, therefore, already has the necessary base to hire a professional.


However most of the time the idea of ​​e-commerce comes from a market opportunity or from previous experience in a specific sector. In my view, hiring a single marketing professional to take care of the e-commerce acquisition channels is the same as hiring a plumber known to the building's janitor to change the water pipe at home. Anyone who has gone through this experience will certainly understand what I'm talking about. It's a lottery. It may even be that you never worry about it again, but there is a great chance that you will have to call a specialized company, as soon as the downstairs neighbor calls complaining that he has water dripping on his head. The fact is that entrepreneurs invest a lot in education, from technical courses to MBAs at the best – and most expensive – universities in the world. I consider hiring an agency specialized in Digital Marketing one of the best investments in training that a startup can make.
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