Goal management How to implement the OKR methodology

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Goal management How to implement the OKR methodology

Post by safi2021 »

We have a goal with this article dear reader to make you understand the OKR methodology ( Objectives and Key Results ) and that this will help you to apply it in your organization. We will do this through a text of up to 800 words, using informal and direct language, bringing examples to illustrate what we want to convey. That simple. Believe it or not, we just set an OKR. Amazing, isn't it? They should always be like that, simple enough that you understand them and feel excited about achieving them. Now that we have our objective set, let's get down to business. What are the steps to implementing an effective OKR system? 1. Understand that OKRs are part of the Company's culture An OKR culture is established when there is a real interest from a company in establishing a structured process for achieving goals. We imagine that when you read the word “culture”, some negative thoughts like “my company is not ready for this” or “I don't know where to start” might have come to your mind.

Don't worry if this happened Google also went through the same situation in the beginning. This methodology was even implemented when Google was not yet “Google”. Just a group of professionals in the first year of the company's birth, showing that it is indeed possible for any enterprise to structure its OKRs, regardless of its size. 2. Understand that OKRs help rank what is a priority Nepal WhatsApp Number List OKRs are nothing more than a set of interrelated objectives that, achieved individually or collectively, will contribute to the macro objectives of an organization. In this way, they are vital for the professional to understand his scope of work and know where to direct his efforts and where not to waste energy. We can say without fear of making mistakes that an objective management of OKRs increases productivity and greatly reduces the much-feared stress in the work environment. In addition, by producing more, the employee's self-esteem increases, reducing health-related problems and lack of motivation.


In other words everyone wins Understand that OKRs are measurable and should be simple It sounds obvious, but it's not. OKRs must be very objective and there is a golden rule to create them: (a) they must all contain numbers. (b) all must be mutually agreed between manager and practitioner. (c) each person must have a maximum of 5 macro objectives with 4 key results for each macro objective. (d) at least 60% of the objectives must be defined bottom up , that is, by the professional who will work on them (we will talk about this in the next item). 4. Understand that OKRs follow two paths: Top Down and Bottom up This is very important and we would like to emphasize it. The traditional model of setting goals is done exclusively from the top down, often agreed upon in board meetings, without involving the entire group of employees.
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