Success in difficult times

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Success in difficult times

Post by safi2021 »

What I've heard most lately are emphatic speeches about how much the political and economic moment that Brazil is facing makes life difficult for all of us. I'm not going to waste ink and occupy this space by writing about things that we're already exhausted from hearing, reading, talking. The useful question is: ok, it's bad, but is there a solution? How to succeed in troubled times? In my humble view, there is only one way forward: you have to be more competent than the other competitors. With rare exceptions, companies and their brands do not have such a dominant market share that they can no longer grow unless the market continues to grow. As a rule, participation is around 5% to 10% (in cases outside the curve, it can reach 30%, who knows 40%). This means that, even in times of recession, there is still plenty of room to add new customers new sales.

This is a truth that expands when we consider that competitors today are not just other brands that offer the same products and services, but everything and everyone that disputes people's pockets. When a company lets itself be contaminated by negative facts, by bad news, it gradually loses its spirit, and then things get really complicated. Cheer is a condition of the spirit, of the soul; excessive Mexico WhatsApp Number List determination in the face of an adverse situation is the action of manifesting your own will, your intent. A company without spirit is a company that has lost its strength, its courage. A team without enthusiasm becomes sad, fearful, loses belief in itself and in the company, loses faith in what it does. If there is a situation that leads to disaster, it is when a company shrinks due to lack of belief in its capabilities and its business. When we are faced with a moment of difficulty, we must not ignore its effects.


In fact it is lucid and necessary to assess the environment, identify risks and weaknesses, but only in order to design a plan with the aim of increasing the company's competitive capacity. On the one hand, relieve the budget of everything that represents dead weight, those practices and costs that add little or nothing; on the other hand, investing more aggressively in what is directly related to conquering the market, adding new customers, expanding possibilities. The name of the game is total focus, the strategy is to gather resources and energy to have more appetite and desire than the competition. Don't let the team get intimidated, become small, lose the desire to occupy more territory. I still haven't met any successful companies whose motto is: "Watch out things are black For my part.
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