Promising and safe e-commerce has a favorable scenario for businessmen and consumers

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Promising and safe e-commerce has a favorable scenario for businessmen and consumers

Post by safi2021 »

More than half of businessmen and consumers in Belo Horizonte trust and consider it safe to sell and buy over the internet. This is what the Opinion Survey on Electronic Commerce, carried out by the Economic Studies area of ​​Fecomércio MG , reveals that the e-commerce market is promising in the capital of Minas Gerais. The survey reveals that 24.1% of establishments work with internet sales and 57% of entrepreneurs claim to have “high security” in online sales. They sell clothes shoes and cosmetics and perfumery (9.4%). Among consumers think it's safe to buy on the World Wide Web, with 49.7% using this feature even occasionally. The most demanded products are electronics and clothes (18%) and more than half of the “e-consumers” are female: 52.5%. e-commerce Of the consulted establishments, 72.5% are microenterprises.

“Even with lower revenues and profitability than larger companies, these businessmen are aware of market innovations, the new consumer profile and betting on a highly promising segment”, explains Luana Oliveira, supervisor of Economic Studies at Fecomércio MG. In the second half of this year, there was a small decrease (0.3 percentage points – pp) in the number of companies Luxembourg WhatsApp Number List that sell via the internet, in relation to the first three months of the year. The reduction, according to Luana, is due to the current cautious economic situation, but the trend of the online market continues to expand. In the evaluation of Fecomércio MG, the reduction in the percentage of service use, even if sporadic from.


From the first to the second semester), decreased due to the economic crisis, since the products, for the most part, they are not considered essential for consumers. “Without a doubt, the e-commerce market has a lot to grow and contribute to retail trade. The consumer tends to buy more and more over the internet, due to the convenience and practicality of the service. Entrepreneurs do not necessarily need to sell online, but currently, in order to stand out and compete in the market, they need to ensure a good online presence, through a good website and extensive activities on social networks”, he adds. Check out the full survey here.
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