Article Paid media spontaneous media or proprietary media which is the highest priority

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Article Paid media spontaneous media or proprietary media which is the highest priority

Post by safi2021 »

All together and mixed. Much has been said about the decay of the press (spontaneous media) and, as a result, the concrete drop in the number of advertisers and values ​​announced in paid media. Fact and against fact there is no argument. It will be? The truth is that the new habits of the public, who prefer to consume news on cell phones and who, with attention deficit, read fewer and fewer newspapers and magazines, watch less and less open TV and practically ignore advertisements (except for the cool and go viral on social networks), all of this has greatly affected the communication industry. This affects vehicles, advertisers (companies) and, ultimately, the public itself, which has to better explain how it wants to relate to brands in this new universe. The brands and their agencies are groping in the dark, but at this point in the championship they have already concluded that, just in case, it is time to rethink the third axis of communication, hitherto so despised.

Communication using proprietary content (branded, or owned content, as gringos call it). Let's face it, content marketing is nothing new. Until now, it involved buying space for advertising in the vehicles with the greatest circulation and most relevant to the business, sending e-mail marketing to the company's mailing list, publishing content on the website, publications on corporate blogs and Lithuania WhatsApp Number List proprietary spaces on social networks But the impact on business provided by the so-called content marketing was very small and difficult to measure. What has changed in this scenario? The public has changed, which is connected, interactive and always on top of new trends, leaving traces and being better understood. Through powerful monitoring platforms and marketing analytics, it is now possible to detect the interests of the public, making branded content platforms more utilitarian and, consequently, with greater power to engage consumers with brands.


Another thing that has changed is that the other two axes of communication, paid and spontaneous media, can now be guided by the axis of proprietary media, based on the interests continually expressed by the public. In this way, an ad on Google is no longer just promotional (and not very useful) to direct to proprietary content, known to be of interest to a particular public profile (persona). That is, the online advertisement directs the audience to the proprietary channels and, in addition, helps to improve the indexing of the brand in Google's organic search. In the same way, through its communication agency, the company will explore, as a priority, the topics most connected to the interests of the public. And vice versa. The stories that most interest the public will be reproduced on proprietary media channels. That is, corporate communication starts to work like a gear, with three synchronized axes: paid, spontaneous and proprietary media.
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