How to choose the best internal communication vehicles

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How to choose the best internal communication vehicles

Post by safi2021 »

Organizations need communication vehicles to ensure that employees are aligned and informed about internal changes, growth opportunities and results, regardless of the size of the company. The best vehicle to be applied in your enterprise depends on some characteristics of the company, the workers and what will be disclosed. The information tends to be vertical or horizontal, the first being the most common, with dissemination focused from top to bottom from managers to subordinates , and the second aimed at people at the same hierarchical level. Want to know which are the best internal communication vehicles ? Continue reading and find out! Newsletter It works as a periodic newsletter that integrates different company audiences, being more used online, as it reduces printing costs and adapts to the most sought after form of communication of the current generation. It can also be transmitted by SMS, MMS or other forms of electronic communication.

It is necessary for the company to have the employee register always updated to ensure that they receive the bulletin. Corporate newspapers and magazines Also produced periodically and with normally defined dates, it transmits information internally to employees and allows them to have space to express their opinions. The most common information is related to career, training, quality of life Germany WhatsApp Number List at work, new products and procedures, birthdays, as well as helping to reinforce the company's values. Mural Even though it has been used for a long time and considered outdated by many, it still brings good results and has a low maintenance cost. It is simple to maintain and should be placed in a place with easy access and high circulation, such as in cafeterias or near the time register, for example. Some care is essential for the mural to become attractive to employees, paying attention to the organization of topics, creativity, the appropriate font to facilitate reading and its periodic updating.


Meeting and events The meeting is a vehicle that brings directors and their subordinates closer together, and should be held periodically to present goals, results and feedback. It is practically unanimity in companies as a communication vehicle, being complemented, many times, by the other vehicles described in this post. Events are a great way to bring employees closer to a company, create good working relationships and eliminate barriers that exist with management. Intranet The intranet enables access to company information and supports work routines. The vehicle disseminates news related to the business, allows communication between employees from different sectors and reduces the circulation of papers. Only employees have access to the platform. corporate TV It is still a channel seen as viable only for large corporations, due to the level of complexity that people believe it has.
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