Advantages of press relations for companies

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Advantages of press relations for companies

Post by safi2021 »

During the past decades the press office had to deal with slower communication, which was limited to traditional vehicles, such as newspapers, radios and television. Now the time is different, with the internet, communication has gained much greater speed and ensuring and guaranteeing a good reputation and image of a company has become even more important and necessary. See below some advantages that we highlight for you to consider the importance of press relations in your company. Check out! 1. Image strengthening Many believe that the press office works only managing moments of crisis, but this is not true. The advisory's main work is to strengthen the image of a company so that, when the crisis happens, nothing can shake the built image. 2. Enhancement of the company's marketing When the press team works together with a company's marketing department, the results are even greater. This is because the language expressed by the two areas must be the same, there must be an identification in the discourse.

In addition both departments work on scenario and audience analysis functions, so one can provide important information that contributes to the other's strategies, or even better, so that the two work together. Advice is also important to help publicize events, actions and Finland WhatsApp Number List advertisements created by marketing, but with a more journalistic and useful tone. The advisory team can also generate spontaneous media about the results and success of the actions. 3. Transparency offered by the press office To strengthen the image of a company it is necessary to generate trust in the public, this is possible through transparency. Press offices are also responsible for this function. Through official notes, press releases and releases, it is possible to disseminate not only the company's values, but also the company's point of view regarding some factors that affect its direct public.


Crisis management When the company goes through a crisis, such as problems with the provision of services or a product, it quickly becomes negative news, especially on social networks , where people can easily publish videos, photos and testimonials. The press office must be prepared for these moments of crisis , with a well-trained spokesperson, through media training, professional specialists in social networks and, above all, a proactive and transparent speech that can be used uniformly by all those involved. are ahead of the company. In these moments, it is always important to speak up and take a stand, after all, if your company does not manifest itself, others will speak for you. 5. Hiring good professionals It may seem like there is no connection here, but when a company is in the media and is well known, everyone wants to be part of the team. Thus, the chances of well-qualified professionals, with excellent education and experience, looking for your company with a resume in hand are greater.
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