Understand how to increase the conversion rate of your company's blog

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Understand how to increase the conversion rate of your company's blog

Post by safi2021 »

The number of visits to a blog is one of the main metrics used by professionals to measure the success of their content marketing strategy. After all, the greater the number of visits, the greater the number of sales and leads generated, right? Unfortunately, this isn't always true. For your company's blog to generate results, you need to take actions to increase your conversion rate, that is, increase the number of visitors that turn into business opportunities. And if you want to increase the conversion rate of your blog, in this article we are going to show you four practices that will help you in this objective. Check out! Invest in creating e-books, webinars and other rich materials Unlike articles on your blog, rich materials are more value-added content and help increase your conversion rate. This is because they have more complex content and great potential to help your visitors solve everyday problems.

Materials such as e-books, webinars and spreadsheets have greater added value, being able to convince visitors to your blog to provide their personal data such as name, email and telephone. This content is very useful to increase the leads generated by your strategy Egypt WhatsApp Number List and guide your customers through the sales funnel , considerably increasing your conversion rate. Create beautiful and attractive CTAs The call-to-action is an indispensable element to increase the conversion rate of a corporate blog . It is the CTA that will attract the visitor's attention and take him to a landing page , where he will be convinced to take the action you want. Generally, the call-to-action has the format of a button or banner, as it is essential that it has more prominence than the other elements of your blog. Therefore, use flashy colors and abuse catchphrases when creating your call-to-action , reinforcing the importance of the visitor performing the action you want.


Can insert your CTA in the sidebar of your blog, at the top of your page or even at the end of each article you've written, directing the visitor to the landing page, when he will complete his conversion. Optimize your landing pages The landing page is the place where your blog visitor will complete the process and, therefore, it is essential to increase your conversion rate. The ideal is to prevent the visitor from getting distracted and leaving the page without finishing what you want. Therefore, remove links to other pages on your blog to increase your conversion rate. It is also important that you do not create very large conversion forms, as they can scare the visitor and make him leave your landing page before completing the filling, harming the process. Take advantage of pop-ups to increase your conversion rate Pop-ups are great tools to increase your blog's conversion rate. They manage to attract the user's attention and objectively inform that you have an offer that may be of interest to your visitor.
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