Press office mistakes you should avoid at all costs

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Press office mistakes you should avoid at all costs

Post by safi2021 »

The press office is a presentation of facts and news whose objective is to present something about a certain company, event, product or service. This is a valuable opportunity for brands, businesses and artists to reach their audience and create a credible image through various media. However, to ensure an effective press office, attention must be paid to the smallest details, ranging from textual production to the follow-up and subsequent confirmation of the results. That's why, in today's post, we separate 5 press office mistakes that you should avoid at all costs. Follow: 1. Materials without quality or depth Editors, reporters and bloggers receive a huge amount of releases every day, so the chances of getting a publication are slim. Now, imagine if a release arrives with grammatical errors, clichés, jargon or bad punctuation? Press office texts need to be clear, direct and well written.

Avoid the indiscriminate use of exclamation points, for example, as they can be considered a type of spam by email accounts. Be very careful not to fall into the trap of writing in the first person, as journalistic texts use the third person as a rule. Also, avoid unnecessary Denmark WhatsApp Number List adjectives as they are more related to advertising campaigns. Always bear in mind that your release must stand out among others received by the editors. 2. Not having adequate follow-up When carrying out the follow-up, avoid using just the classic phone call right after sending the email. It is necessary to create, establish and maintain a relationship with journalists. Get to know their work better and help create a win-win bond. This way, you will better understand how to proceed with your press office to conquer your space in the media.


Having a communication plan Not giving due attention to the communication plan is another of the main errors of press relations. Never forget essential items like: choice of the service team and its functions, periods and schedules; mailing with the main communication vehicles; follow-up; definition of results; form of measurement. Remember that each step of the process is important and cannot be ignored! With a communication plan, your press office will become more efficient, productive and successful. 4. Choosing inappropriate titles The title of the release will be the first thing the journalist sees, so make sure it is concise and really relates to the content of the text . As we said earlier, your text needs to stand out among the others and, therefore, the title should encourage the journalist to want to know more. Again, watch out for clichés and jargon! Also, don't assume the journalist knows everything about you.
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