How to use communication to motivate and engage students in an educational institution

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How to use communication to motivate and engage students in an educational institution

Post by safi2021 »

Capturing interest and motivating students in the classroom has been an increasingly difficult task for teachers. Today, teachers need to compete with social networks and digital content that are always within reach of students, and prohibiting the use of smartphones has proven to be an unfeasible attitude that only distances educators from their audience. With this in mind, the educator must look for ways to use the digital medium to work around the problem. After all, the internet has the power to bring the teacher closer and motivate students to interact with the content, promoting a beneficial learning experience. Improving the way you communicate with the class also increases the chances of capturing students' attention. In today's post, we separate some tips to motivate and engage students in the classroom.

Check out Be open to dialogues Most students lose interest in a given subject because they do not have space to expose their point of view. In this context, cultivating a means that allows students to share their opinion with others helps to bring them together Bulgaria WhatsApp Number List and keep their attention on the content. A good way to instigate dialogue is by promoting debates and activities that involve argumentation. You can also use anonymous satisfaction surveys to understand the students' point of view. Use digital media to motivate students Instead of competing with the internet for students' attention, it is possible to take advantage of this technology in the classroom. Creating a page for the educational institution on social networks , as well as classroom groups on Facebook or WhatsApp, for example, promote greater student interaction and, consequently, greater engagement with the classes and with the institution itself.


In addition it is possible to transfer content in a much simpler and more economical way through platforms such as Dropbox and Google Drive. Highlight the positives Encourage teachers to, whenever possible, praise a positive trait in their class, such as dynamism or openness. This will generate students' empathy towards the educator, making students more motivated to receive content in the classroom. By highlighting negative traits, the teacher ends up generating the opposite effect and alienates the class. Therefore, it is important to be patient to avoid dissatisfaction. avoid generalizations No student is like another. By using generalizations, the educator makes the student lose his identity and, consequently, the interest in the class. One way to motivate students is to know their names, individualize them and look for the best way to highlight them.
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