Biggest questions about press relations

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Biggest questions about press relations

Post by safi2021 »

Most marketers have come across the term “press relations” at some point in their career. Some even know the objectives and formats of this communication strategy, but there are those who find themselves surrounded by doubts on the subject. To clarify the most common questions and confusions, we have prepared a special list with questions and answers on the subject. Keep accompanying us and check out the advantages of the service! 1. After all, what is press office? It is a communication strategy focused on publicizing a company, product, service, brand or institution in the media — such as magazines, newspapers, TV and news portals. However, this disclosure occurs spontaneously, and not in a “sponsored” way – as in advertisements where it is necessary to pay for space in the media.

Thus the press office seeks to insert a company in releases, articles and reports relevant to the public, without any direct advertising in the content. How is a press office carried out? The strategy is planned and conducted by journalists with a wide network Belize WhatsApp Number List of contacts in the mainstream media. It all starts with a complete customer assessment: your market, competitors, target audience, strengths, and history. Based on this information, the press officer will define the most relevant guidelines for the advisee, that is, the topics that may generate interest in the media about your company. Next, the advisor will make contact with influential editors of specific media to offer the agenda and schedule interviews ( follow-up ). To ensure the quality of the content to be published, he will accompany the entire writing process, making sure that the agenda is being addressed in the best possible way.


What are the results Undoubtedly the increase in credibility and the strengthening of brand awareness , that is, brand awareness, are the main results of press relations . In other words, editorial content will positively influence the perception of investors and consumers about your company, as the reading will be relevant and permissive — unlike advertisements, which are almost always invasive. 4. What is the ROI (return on investment) for this strategy? As the press office is not a marketing campaign, it is impossible to measure a return on increased sales, for example. In this strategy format, the value and impact generated for the brand is measured based on the following indicators: number of publications in the media; Engagement with the content (number of likes, comments and shares). Thus, the ROI will be measured through the clipping of publications and social engagement reports! 5. How do I know if I'm hiring a good press office? The answer is simple: just check the company's portfolio, successful cases and testimonials from other customers.
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