Learn how to create and maintain company culture

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Learn how to create and maintain company culture

Post by safi2021 »

The company's culture also known as organizational or corporate culture, can be understood as a set of values ​​that define the business — that is, its way of thinking and acting, its beliefs and objectives. The way of acting within an organization is responsible for the company's most valuable asset: its reputation, credibility and trust. Therefore, it is necessary to act coherently in relation to the defined values ​​and make clear the principles that identify the company and its employees. Want to understand more about the importance of company culture? Follow the tips we separate for you to create and maintain yours! What is company culture? In general terms, the company's culture is the set of characteristics that will define how the organization operates, its policies, values, norms, processes and, mainly, how it directs its relationships with the internal public, suppliers and customers.

In this context corporate culture also establishes the formal and informal rules that determine the behavior of employees and the way they conduct their actions, both internally and externally. It is through the company's culture that everyone involved with the company Belgium WhatsApp Number List guides their attitudes, such as respect for differences and individualities, valuing skills, encouraging professional growth, among others. How to create and maintain corporate culture?Culture is not copied. Therefore, it is necessary to define the identity of the organization, with its values ​​and objectives, in order to be able to apply this concept in all organizational processes, policies and behaviors. Identify the positive points that naturally already permeate the organization. Think about the main values ​​and goals that you would like to make part of the company's culture.


Develop models of desired behaviors and actions. Leaders are the main propagators of the company's culture. It is necessary to invest in leaders who know how to motivate, raise awareness and value their teams so that they can awaken people's engagement in favor of the organization's success. Select samples of employees for interviews and ask them about what they do and why they do it. In this way, you will be able to know if they are aligned with the company's objectives and values. Today, we have several tools that can help in the preparation of quick and punctual surveys so that you can better understand the perception and reception of the culture of your internal public. Give people adequate space to be recognized for positive behaviors related to the organizational culture. This is an important attitude to ensure that the values ​​are not just a board at the entrance, but a tool that allows identifying and recognizing people who contribute, on a daily basis, to building the company's culture.
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