Crisis management in companies how can communication help

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Crisis management in companies how can communication help

Post by safi2021 »

In moments of political and economic instability, the social and business environment goes through situations of uncertainty that affect everyone. In this context, crisis management in companies is one of the points on which managers especially those in HR — need to focus in order to maintain harmony in their corporations. Crises are usually fleeting and need to leave a positive legacy for people and companies. In this post, we will discuss how communication can help in crisis management in companies . Crisis and business Over the last 50 years, the country has gone through a series of crises that have been interspersed with periods of strong economic growth. External factors such as the oil crisis and commodity declines and internal factors such as redemocratization and inflation control caused several periods of turmoil to occur in Brazil.

All this hindered the growth of companies and their maintenance in the market. These issues must also be added to the particularities that each organization has with regard to its internal structure. Regardless of whether the origin of a business crisis is within the Albania WhatsApp Number List company itself or is influenced by external situations, it is essential that managers have the ability to diagnose it and face it with determination. Below, see some communication procedures that must be followed by managers, to manage moments of crisis. Speed ​​and transparency As soon as a crisis or even friction between people or sectors is diagnosed, it is up to managers to intervene immediately and energetically. Have a meeting with the parties involved and then another meeting with the disclosure of what happened and the actions that were taken.


Everything must be done with the utmost transparency, with nothing left behind. Use all available channels for communication. Rumor Elimination Act quickly, preventing rumors from starting to circulate around the company. Prevent false perceptions from being broadcast by the famous “peão radio”. This would not only exacerbate the damage caused by the crisis, but would also make it difficult to convince employees that a solution had been found. If the problem involves an external audience, such as suppliers or customers, the communication must include these partners, especially employees who interact with your company. organizational planning The occurrence of a crisis in your company is a good moment to assess whether your organizational structure is well constituted. Make a survey and then plan your organizational chart, redefining if necessary sectors and functions.
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