Completed And We Move On

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Completed And We Move On

Post by sagor87 »

Recommendations are tailored to the interests of a specific user How to communicate with customers to grow both loyalty and profit Tom Tailor case Unlike bestsellers the category automated campaign is aimed only at the active segment of subscribers those who interacted with letters and the site in the last two weeks. A personal product selection in them is formed not for the entire catalog but only for the two most attractive product categories for each subscriber How to communicate with customers to grow both loyalty and profit Tom Tailor case The dynamic header and product selection correspond only to the current models of the current period.

IF a subscribers interests change over the next two weeks his product selection will be updated and if he decreases activity the platform will automatically exclude him from the list of recipients until he again shows interest in a certain category of goods. Automation and personalization of email newsletters significantly reduces the time of the marketer and the client of the online store and adds variety to the letters which has a positive effect on all key indicators of the email channel as a whole. Conducting a survey on the quality United Arab Emirates Mobile Number List of mailings No email strategy can exist without analyzing the results and receiving feedback from subscribers.


We invited subscribers to tell us what they like about the mailing lists and the Tom Tailor website and what they would like to change. The most loyal segment of subscribers was chosen for the survey — the letter was sent to users who switched from letters to the site within days. The letter had a standard structure and in addition to a link to the survey contained personalized product recommendations. However in the first place the mailing was not aimed at increasing profits but at receiving feedback.
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